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Training Courses

We are an inquisitive company that believes in lifelong learning. Through the Ahlsell Academy, our own training program, we help you to build on skills and professional knowledge with a number of different training courses. Development is rapid and demands for the right knowledge are constantly increasing. With new knowledge, you become more attractive to your customers and can increase sales.

LaraVeta-Bild1-834x630.jpgTogether with our training providers, we offer our customers a strong and up-to-date range of courses. All bookings are handled by Presto via their booking system.

Flexible training courses

  • Physical training
  • Online training
  • Online training course
  • Opportunities for company-specific training
  • We offer training courses in English, Swedish and Polish. 


Questions about courses and training?

If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to contact the responsible training coordinator at the Ahlsell Academy.

Robin Persson


Message from Ahlsell

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