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Create an online account

Welcome to Ahlsell!

Here you can create an online account and login details to be able to shop in our webshop. Fill in the form below and we will send you the information within a few days.

As soon as you have received your login details, you can access a wide range of goods and associated services in the product areas of Plumbing & Heating, Electrical and Tools & Machinery.

Are you already a customer?

Remember! If you are not already a customer of Ahlsell, you must apply to become one first.  

Do you have more than one customer number?

If you have more than one customer number at Ahlsell, contact your salesperson after receiving your login and we will link the other customer numbers to your login. Once you have logged in, you will find the contact details of your salesperson at the top of the page.


Create an Online Account

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