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Chemical Management

Simple, efficient and more sustainable

  • Want help to improve your environment, health and safety management in relation to chemical products?
  • Want help meeting regulatory control and compliance requirements?
  • Want help accessing hazard and safety information at the workplace via an app?

This service is only available on the Swedish market. 

Reduce your environmental impact and health and safety risks with our Chemical Management service


Through our Chemical Management service, we offer Ahlsell customers a system in which you can access safety data sheets and information about the chemical products used in your operations. The aim is to offer operational support that helps you meet regulatory requirements while making wise decisions to reduce environmental impact and occupational health and safety risks, and thus work more sustainably. It also saves valuable time through more efficient overview and control. The Ahlsell version of the Intersolia iChemistry GO chemical management system will help you with this. In addition, safety data sheets for products with an Ahlsell article number are free of charge in this version.

By registering your interest below, you enter an agreement for this service directly with Intersolia.

Order and control

Having continuous control of your chemical products is not only a legal requirement, but also a smarter way of working. The iChemistry GO chemical management system is an operational support system that not only helps you meet regulatory requirements, but also saves you valuable time through more efficient overview and control.

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Safety data sheets contain information on potential health and environmental risks and other properties of chemical products and substances. Ahlsell’s version of Intersolia’s SDS service gives you access to more than 400,000 safety data sheets and 25 years’ experience in the industry.

Advantages of the Chemical Management System

  • Create order. Take control of your routine work with chemicals. Get a clear overview of how and where your products are used.
  • Regulatory compliance. Provides help and support in meeting regulatory requirements, e.g. the Self-Control Ordinance.
  • Free upload of safety data sheets for products with Ahlsell article number. The cost of uploading safety data sheets in the system is SEK 85/product and year. Products with Ahlsell’s article numbers can be uploaded at no charge.
  • Detailed product information. Obtain information about the product's hazard and safety instructions to ensure you can work more safely.
  • Switch out your hazardous chemicals. Make substitutions and phase out hazardous chemicals from your operations.
  • Mobile app. The mobile application allows you to easily check and access information about the chemical products at your workplace.
  • Free number of users. You can create additional users if you like, at no extra cost.

Smart features

  • Simple product list
  • Substitution assistance
  • Product types
  • Volume/weight report for each product type
  • Product information
  • Detailed list of chemicals
  • Create your own users
  • Overview of your chemical management
  • Mobile application
  • Free number of users
  • Free Ahlsell products
  • Filtering options
  • Search functions
  • Always up-to-date safety data sheets



About the system

iChemistry is Intersolia’s proprietary CMS – Chemical Management System. The web-based tool helps you keep track of your company’s chemical products and the legal requirements and rules that apply to your particular operations. The solution is designed to simplify and automate various time-consuming processes and flows.


You are free to choose where you work, whether via mobile, tablet or computer.


Intersolia’s skilled customer care staff not only offer you personal contact, but also the opportunity to bring in qualified consultants when the work becomes too complicated.

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