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Frequently asked questions about quartz dust

What is quartz dust and what are the risks?

Quartz dust consists of small rock particles that are difficult to see. Quartz dust is often found in construction, steelworks, foundries, grinding, drilling, chiseling in concrete, etc. (According to AFS 2015:2)

The risk is that you contract grinder's disease. This can be a consequence of inhaling the finest respirable quartz dust particles, which can also lead to an increased risk of lung cancer. Symptoms may take 10 to 30 years to develop after exposure.

How can you protect yourself from quartz dust?

Eliminate the problem. If this is not possible, limit the risks by using air purifiers, extractors or binders. Also ensure that you use personal, appropriate respiratory protection.

What kind of respiratory protection and filters should I choose?

A half-mask with P3 particle filter is recommended for low exposure and short jobs that are not physically taxing.

For high exposure work longer than two hours and work that is taxing, we recommend fan-assisted respiratory protection with P3 particle filter.

When should I replace the particle filter?

Half-mask: The particle filter should be replaced when breathing becomes strenuous.

Fan-assisted respirator: The fan triggers an alarm when you need to change the filter.

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