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Frequently asked questions about asbestos

What is asbestos and what are the risks?

Asbestos is a collective term for several minerals found in nature. Today, asbestos is banned, though it used to be commonly used to manufacture various materials for the construction industry. This means that asbestos can still be found in buildings and that there is a great risk of being exposed to it during demolition and renovations.

Is asbestos harmful?

Asbestos is very dangerous when released into the air. Inhalation causes serious illnesses such as asbestosis, lung cancer and pleural or peritoneal cancer.

Where is there asbestos?

Asbestos may be found in older buildings, fire insulation, sprayed insulation materials, drywall, roofing materials, paints, adhesives, sealants, ventilation ducts, plastic mats and doors. If uncertain, you should perform an analysis to check whether the material contains asbestos.

What rules apply when working with asbestos?

There are different types of asbestos work and you must complete relevant training for each. If there is a risk of contact with asbestos in your work, you must take a"General training course". A “Special training course” is required when you will be doing demolition work. A permit must be issued by the Swedish Work Environment Authority before work commences.

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