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What are your opening hours?
Our stores are usually open Monday-Friday 07:00–16:00. There may be extended opening hours and local deviations. Find the stores in your region here.
How do you become an Ahlsell customer?
As a company, you fill in an account application, which you will find here.
Can I shop in a store as a private individual?
No, as a wholesaler we only sell goods to business customers with a registered customer number.
How do I pay in the store?
As a company with a registered customer number, you can pay by invoice or card, however not American Express. We do not handle cash in our stores.
If the product is not available in a store, when can I get it?
If the product is stocked in our central warehouse, you can have it delivered to your desired address or to the store for collection the next day.
I've lost my Ahlsell card. How do I cancel it?
Contact your salesperson under My Pages > Contact Person, or fill out this form.
Do you offer self-scanning in your stores?
Yes, this is possible in about 20 of our larger stores. More will be added over time.
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