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Hallsberg facilities

Curious about what's going on in each department in the logistics center? Here we explain more about incoming goods, automatic small-piece storage, picking and packing of goods, Printed & Ready and loading and transport.

It’s here, in Hallsberg’s halls, where things are happening. Around 700 people work here, almost around the clock, to make sure that our customers get the right products, at the right time and at the right place. World-class logistics, quite simply.

Incoming goods

This is where the physical flow starts in Hallsberg. Approximately 100 trucks corresponding to 500 tons of goods pass through this facility every day. Most of the work in Hallsberg takes place manually by picking with a forklift truck. For this reason, each article has a specific picking location, and buffer volumes are stored fluidly so as to optimize of the available space.

Automatic small-piece storage

In recent years, we have invested heavily in expanded automation. The purpose of our automation plants is to increase both capacity and efficiency. The largest of our automation plants is the one we use to store and pick our small goods. This accounts for about 42% of the total volume in Hallsberg.

Vertical lift modules

In Hallsberg we have 35 vertical lift modules, which are also part of our automation equipment. Here we handle the absolute smallest items and some of the less common items in the range.

Picking and packing of small pieces

Picking and packing takes place here at our 26 stations. The concept in this facility is based on the goods being delivered to the picker instead of the picker standing on a forklift truck and traveling around the warehouse to collect the goods. This way, we gain time and efficiency.

Manufacturing and assembly

Here we offer tailor-made solutions to our customers, such as different types of co-packing solutions. This is all intended to make it as easy as possible for our customers to do their job.

Outdoor storage

Here we store goods that are weather-resistant and slightly larger in size Picking out here is done in exactly the same way as inside the main warehouse.


When the pickers have finished picking and packing, the finished parcels must be transported to the loading area. The smaller parcels are transported via conveyor and sorted automatically at our sorting facility. Larger goods end up on our pallets.

Loading & Transportation

All goods are placed here after they have been picked and packed. Those working here are responsible for ensuring that the goods are sorted and loaded onto the correct truck. From Hallsberg, the goods are then forwarded to various intermodal terminals around Sweden. There, the vehicles are loaded, the goods are sorted and the shipments are prepared for final distribution to the customer. The majority of our long-distance transport and sorting takes place during the evening and at night. This is so that we can offer our customers a late stop time and so that the goods can be delivered to our customers the morning after ordering. Currently, lead times are usually less than 24 hours from order to delivery.

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