
Do you work with ventilation and installation for crawl spaces, garages, or other parts that need to be dehumidified? Ahlsell assists you in finding the right sorption dehumidifier for your project, regardless of whether you are working on protection against mold or odor in larger or smaller spaces. We offer sorption dehumidifiers with aluminum housings and patented Swedish sorption rotors. If you are looking for a hygrometer that keeps track of the humidity, you will also find this. We offer most sorption dehumidifiers. Explore our selection of sorption dehumidifiers and accessories here in the online store or visit your nearest Ahlsell store.

Absorption Dehumidifier EvoDry 6H, Acetec
Absorption Dehumidifier EvoDry 6H, Acetec
Art. no.: 66670200
Absorption dehumidifier in compact format for effective dehumidification of small spaces.
Capacity: 7 kg/24h
Unlike cooling dehumidifier functions effectively even at low temperatures. Operating temperature –20 – + 40*C.
Used in, for example, smaller garages/storage facilities/cellar spaces, winter storage of caravan / car, boat, the yard to the caravan or the holiday home. Very compact, robust and reliable design.
Direct-driven absorption rotor minimises the number of moving parts.Direct-driven absorption rotor minimises the number of moving parts. Built-in humidity control (Hygrostat) for needs-determined energy-efficient operation. Self-regulating ptc control heater without overheating risk.
Possible to connect duct with 2 connections 63mm in order to spread the dry air. Easy to mount and maintain. Filter exchangeable / washable.
Supplied with built-in Hygrostat, wet gas hose 32 mm L= 2m as well as outlet plate.
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